A UNESCO definition of inclusive education:
“Inclusive education starts from the belief
that the right to education is a basic human right and the foundation for a
more just society.
· Inclusive schooling is the practice of including
everyone-irrespective of talent, disability, socio-economic background or
cultural background in supportive mainstream school and classroom where the
need of all students are met.
· Inclusive education is about embracing all, making a
commitment to do whatever it takes to provide education to each student in the community
- and each citizen in a democracy.
education takes the Education for All (EFA) agenda forward by finding ways of
enabling schools to serve all children in their communities….
Today we understand inclusion to be about how we create environments in which all students can be successful, regardless of ability.Why is this a critical & controversial issue?
वे सब जो हिंदी में अपने विचार व्यक्त करना चाहते हैं, ऊपर दिए लिंक की सहायता ले सकते हैं।
लिंक पर क्लिक करने के बाद जो भी आप लिखना चाहते हैं उसे रोमन हिंदी में टाइप करें वह अपने आप हिंदी में आ जायेगा, उसे हाईलाइट करें, कॉपी करें और ब्लॉग में जहाँ अपने कमेंट्स लिखना चाहते हैं पेस्ट करें।
Inclusive education is a very critical as it is now a part of the RTE Act 2005. Though it is implemented in some cases, there is still a need to look into the process post admission of the child in school.
ReplyDeleteAccording to me, inclusive education is the need of the hour as some learners do not get proper facilities for education even if they have the right to get it. so instead of excluding some section learners from the current education system they have to be included by giving varied learning experiences.
ReplyDeleteInclusive education is considered to be critical as it needs to cater to a large section of our ever increasing population...Also it is controversial because still there is a lot of confusion implementing the same in the different levels of education.
ReplyDeleteInclusive education is critical and controversial because even if it is implemented in school some times it is so open that children with special needs are teased by other children.Not all parents of students with disabilities support the approach. Some parents fear losing special-education services they have fought for and believe their children will be "dumped" into regular classrooms without appropriate support. also to make the inclusion work properly is a bigger challenge as it requires the support services and change in traditional classroom.
ReplyDelete@Shakti and Padnya> refer to the replies given by Varun Menon and Divya Mishra. Read the question carefully, give a thought to what is being asked and then try to answer it once again.
ReplyDelete@Varun Menon > well attempted, you have clearly brought out the critical and controversial issues, however could have covered it in a bit more detail.
@Divya Mishra> well attempted however only controversial issues have been highlighted whereas critical issues have not been touched.
Inclusive education is critical and controversial because there are many reason
ReplyDelete1) resources(capital, land) are less in urban area
2) most of people are fear to send his/her child to this type of school where inclusive education system is there.
3} if the child is suffering disability problem he/she not adjust that environment.
4} last but not least the admission fees are high so parent do not want to send his/her child that type of school
@vinod- it is really nice to see that you have tried to attempt this question on Inclusive- your 2nd & 3rd points are well taken however, money is not the issue in moving from segregation to inclusion. In fact some of the smaller and less wealthy communities and states are leading the way.
DeleteMany of wealthiest states and communities spend a great deal of money on segregated special education programs, but little on making regular classrooms places where students with special needs can be welcomed and successfully included. Money spent on segregated special education needs to be re-directed to support teachers in inclusive regular schools. In some situations the investment may need to be increased, especially during the transition period. However, because
the investment to support inclusion is principally directed toward supporting classroom teachers,it has spill-over positive benefits for other students and for the classroom environment as a whole. This investment is critical if we are to make our schools instruments for creating an equitable and democratic society.
Regarding your fourth point, even though state run schools, where the fees structure is reasonably affordable, have implemented Education For All, these schools are not properly geared up for the same.
According to me, inclusive education is critical because of lack of infrastructure for disabled students, not all schools provide adequate facilities also our education system is such that it focuses on completing the syllabes n& because in stress to complete the portion b4 exams teachers though want to give attention to special children they arent able to do tht.
ReplyDelete@ neelam> You have highlighted the problems well however, why it is a critical issue could have been atempted with a bit more deliberation. It’s critical because it takes serious effort to change the status quo. Until fifty years ago,education was considered a privilege for the few and for those who learned easily. Many children failed to benefit from public education, and children with disabilities benefited even less than most. We developed segregated special education programs to address this gap. The demand to include all children in regular schools and classrooms developed recently.
ReplyDeleteThe controversy is fueled in part by a strong feeling among both the public and educators that students with some types of disabilities will not benefit from what happens in a regular classroom, particularly in the higher grades where differences in student ability become more noticeable. This belief is partly caused by a lack of understanding about inclusive education and the ways in which students with varying abilities can be successfully taught in the same environment. It may also reflect the inherent belief – indeed the fear – that inclusion will water down or weaken overall educational outcomes We also need to acknowledge that there is still some devaluing of people with disabilities (particularly cognitive disabilities).
Please try attempting other units as well.
The question of whether inclusive education is needed or not is itself wrong.. After all, all of us are humans. We need to follow this. The lessons of equality, freedom of education etc.. goes in vain if not..
ReplyDeleteSHWETA>. according to me its a critical issue because inclusion approaches neglect to acknowledge the fact most students with significant special needs require individualized instruction or highly controlled environments.Some researchers have maintained school districts neglect to prepare general education staff for students with special needs, thus preventing any achievement. .
DeleteParents of disabled students may be cautious about placing their children in an inclusion program because of fears that the children will be ridiculed by other students, or be unable to develop regular life skills in an academic classroom
Rajeshwari > Inclusive Education is important not only for the underpriveledged but also to the priveleged ones because it helps the priveledged to learn to value what they have got & make best use of it..
ReplyDeleteit is implemented in some cases, there is still a need to look into the process post admission of the child in school.The controversy is fueled in part by a strong feeling among both the public and educators that students with some types of disabilities will not benefit from what happens in a regular classroom, particularly in the higher grades where differences in student ability become more noticeable.
Hiral its nice that you have tried to participate in the ongoing discussion but rather than applying yourself you have tried to reproduced what has already been put in the blog, original ideas no matter right or wrong are appreciated more. Hope that you will continue participating.
Deleteinclusive is an awareness for each an everyone
ReplyDeleteofcourse inclusive education is important for privilaged as well unprivilaged ones for gaining varied learning experiences.
ReplyDeleteInclusive education is important tool for all students.All humam need to follow it.
ReplyDeleteaccording to me inclusive education is a need for present society as pupil with different skill and talent gets equal opportunities to enhance them self and their skill
ReplyDeleteइंक्लूसिव एजुकेशन एक विवाद का विषय है । कुछ विद्वानों का मत है कि मंद बुदधि, सामान्य बुदधि तथा तीव्र बुदधि वाले छात्रों को एक साथ शिक्षा देना तीनों ही बुदधि क्षमता वाले छात्रों के लिए हानिकारक है, तो कुछ विद्वान ऐसा मानते हैं कि इससे बच्चों की बौधिक क्षमता में एक दूसरे की सहयोगिता से निखार आता है । यूनेस्को ने भी शिक्षा के चार स्तम्भ बताये हैं - जानने के लिए सीखना, करने के लिए सीखना, कुछ बनने के लिए सीखना और साथ रहने के लिए सीखना है । फिर भी अधिकांश लोग आज तक इस तथ्य को स्वीकार नहीं कर पाए है और आज भी इंक्लूसिव एजुकेशन एक विवाद का विषय बना हुआ है।
ReplyDelete@ जुगल किशोर मिश्रा >
Deleteआपने इस विषय को अच्छी तरह समझने का पूरा प्रयास किया है, जिसमें आप सफल भी रहे हैं। 'इंक्लूसिव एजुकेशन एक विवाद का विषय है' इस प्रश्न का आपने बहुत अच्छा उत्तर दिया है लेकिन आपने प्रश्न का वह भाग पूरी तरह से छोड़ दिया जिसमें आप ने समावेशी शिक्षा के विवेचनात्मक होने के कारणों का विश्लेषण करना था। उम्मीद है आगे भी आप अपना यह प्रयास जारी रखेंगे।
Inclusive education is considered to be critical as it needs to cater to a large section of our ever increasing population...Also it is controversial because still there is a lot of confusion implementing the same in the different levels of education.
ReplyDeleteShort and crisp...good approach to answer as it would help you a great deal in your examinations. However in a discussion forum, a little more explanation is expected for the benefit of others.
Delete@Riddhi, Sandhya, Amruta, Khushboo>
ReplyDeleteIts good to see you all becoming part of this "technological aid in education". I would have appreciated your efforts even more had you applied in slightly better manner.
ReplyDeleteBefore talking about inclusive education... we should prepare our teachers to have inclusive attitude so that with or with proper training atleast they are willing to cater all students.
Need of the hour is not inclusive school setup, its attitude, thinking of the teacher which needed to be developed.
very true Hiral -need of the hour is changing the attitudes that inclusion is the right approach & as a prospective teacher what would be your role in making our society a more just society.
ReplyDeleteInclusive education as the name suggest every kid has to be included in educational system.Yes it is a controversial issue because many time students with special ability become egoistic and students with disabilities feels inferior and discouraged.And also the teacher gives more attention to the students with special ability then the students with disabilities.
ReplyDeleteTo some extend it is good also as it gives opportunity to the gifted students to help students with disabilities this will encourage humanity among them and sense of goodness