
Friday, 15 February 2013

Inclusion: Achievements For All

educational inclusion is 
‘more than a concern with one group of pupils such as those who have been or are likely 
to be excluded from school… It is about equal opportunities for all children and young 
people whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background’

Much of the literature that we read concerns the socio-political aspects of inclusive education.  Many of the articles debate whether or not inclusive education improves the quality of education for the entire student body. Though schools have largely committed to inclusive education for the better part of two decades, there seemed to be no popular agreement as to its efficacy.

Do you agree with this statement? Please elaborate? 


  1. Yes, i agree that there seemed to be no popular agreement as to the efficacy of inclusive education because there is hardly any evidence that students with most severe disabilities benefit from placements in regular schools also whether they get all the facilities and proper attention that they should get is also unknown.

  2. Very well attempted Divya, however inclusion is not an experiment to be tested but a value to be followed. All children have the right to education as they are the future citizens of the country and that no one should have to pass any ones test or prove anything in a research study to live and learn in the mainstream of school and community as the ultimate goal of inclusive education is to end all forms of discrimination and foster social cohesion.

    Suggest how you as a prospective teachers can help changing this perception?

  3. The effectiveness of the programme or the value of inclusive education can be measured by the enrollment increase in schools of students from various sections of the society. Still there are schools where there is little or no inclusion of students from the backward communities or students with physical challenges.

    1. Good attempt Shakti..well understood, correctly analysed and answered.

  4. Rajeshwari>I agree to Divya"s opinion but the main issue is with the parents who have drawn a line between the rich & the poor ..the parents feel that the environment of the school and the fellow students is important in framing the child"s personality.. so they are opposing the Inclusive Education idea..thus it is important to make the parents understand the need & advantages of Inclusive Education.

    1. @Rajeshwari>

      I expect such answers from you in future too...very well done!!

  5. perception can be changed by having a wider concern for it

  6. misbah

    it is important to make the parents understand the need & advantages of Inclusive Education.

  7. it is very important to make the parents and teachers to understand the need and advantages of inclusive education

  8. @Riddhi, Misbah and Trusha>

    Brief yet logical....however a little more is expected for expressing yourself better and for the understanding of others.

  9. Lakshmi Krishnamoorthy26 February 2013 at 18:11

    Inclusive education is a must. But the reason why many children are not benefited is right from their house environment they have been educated with a complex that does not help them move freely and learn from peers. A special counseling to parents or some activities to the children can be given to increase their bonding.
